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Lets understand the complex concepts of Astronomy with ease.

Basics about Solar System


Our Solar system consists of Sun and eight planets( Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune). The Sun dominates the Solar System. The Sun shines because it is hot.


These eight planets can be categorized into two sections based on their densities (Mass/Volume):


  • Terrestrial Planets

  • Jovian Planets


Terrestrial Planets-


These are refered to as four inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) and are also closest to the Sun. Their densities are greater than 3gms/cc. They are made up of rock and metal. Their surfaces are solid. They don't have rings. They have fewer or no moons at all. They are also smaller in size compared to other planets. 


Below are the high level details of these four planets:


  1. Mercury - It is the smallest planet and have shortest orbit in the solar system.

  2. Venus - It is the hottest planet and its atmosphere is full of carbon di oxide (CO2). 

  3. Earth- It is the third planet from the Sun and fifth largest in the Solar System.

  4. Mars - It is the second-smallest planet in the Solar System and also known as the Red Planet.


Jovian Planets-


These are refered to as Gaint Planets. There are the four outer planets in our solar system. Their densities are less than 2gms/cc. They are further categoried into two types:


  • Gas Giants - These planets (Jupiter and Saturn) predominantly contain Helium and Hydrogen. They have supporting ring systems, no solid surface and huge in size.

  • Ice Giants - These planets (Uranus and Neptune) contain rock, ice and mixture of water, methane and ammonia.


Below are the high level details of these four planets:


  1. Jupiter - It is the largest planet in the Solar System.

  2. Saturn- It is the second largest planet in the Solar System.

  3. Uranus - It is the third largest planet in the Solar System.

  4. Neptune- It is the outermost planet of the solar system and one of the coldest too.
