Welcome to the World of Dreams And Passions


Life attracts Like


Positive thoughts generates positive outcomes.


Do you really believe so? If not, then look around and think of a situation when you were upset for few hours and then bad things started happening one by one throughout the day, leaving you with a thought of having a bad day.


Did you introspect that day, what went wrong? It was a normal day; everything was going fine. But one bad experience upsets you, and the whole day went on with the list of bad experiences. Gradually turning out your bright day into the bad one.


Why this happened? Did you give this question a thought? No. Then I have the answer for you.


Consider yourself as a magnet and you will attract what you think about the most. So, if you think about your problems, then you will have to face lot of problems. And if you think about positive outcomes, then you will be in situations that will bring more happiness in your life.


So be aware and choose your thoughts carefully. Do not get affected by the current problems, focus on your bigger goals. Your dominant thoughts play a major role in your life. So be careful about what you think.


Whatever the situation is, try to look for positives in it. Everything has a pros and cons. It depends on us what we choose. That does not mean that you cannot be upset or share your bad experiences with others. That is practically okay. What matters most is for how long you are going to hold that negative emotion. If you are self aware then it will be easier for you to move ahead and come out of that negative emotions. It is all about switching of thoughts from negative to positive. The faster you are, the firmer your positive thoughts will be.


Things will not be same always, but you can still try to be happy most of the times. You have the right to be happy. Do not define your happiness just based on your current situations. Try to be happy always. You really deserve it.